A ha ha ha, a ha ha ha!!


My ex-husband has a MySpace.  Of course, he can’t find MINE because he doesn’t know my new married name, but oh, goodness…I found HIS because I just KNEW he’d be the type to set one up (not that I can say much about THAT!).

What a dork!  I can’t believe I was ever married to him!!

Here’s some stuff I stole from his page…

Occupation: commodity relocation engineer = truck driver!!!

Body type 5’8″ – average…if he’s 5’8″ I’m a monkey’s uncle!


The next one he has entitled “thug of vision”


Can you believe I married a “thug of vision”? 

And if you look back at pics of my NOW husband, you will agree I have moved up in the world.

🙂  Nothing like affirming your ex is an idiot.  Apparently he’s living in mom’s basement…several of his pictures are of him hanging out in a basement like the photo above.

I’m not nice.  But neither was he.


Start of a new week

Current mood: drained

The downside to adding your daughter and some of her friends onto your MySpeece account is that you have to censor your blogs!  I didn’t think that through.  😛

My little visit from Kitty was very nice.  We didn’t do a whole lot of exciting stuff really.  We went to Princess’s play, which was very good!  She did a great job, as did TayTay.  We went to the store for snacks and she bought a few of the skin products we determined were good for her skin through that new book I bought.  Then we got home around 9:00 and just up and decided to go out and see 300 that night.  Hubby was very gracious to watch the baby so we could go together.  A girl’s night!! 

We went to the 300 showing at 10:00 p.m.  We were 2 of 6 people that were in the theater.  We were the only women.  It’s probably good that none of the guys were sitting near us as we were openly commenting on the men’s deliciousness.  At one point the words “So hot…want to touch the heiny…” were uttered (that’s from Billy Madison…remember?).  But I was really surprised that Kitty really liked the storyline because she USED to be totally yucked out by battle scenes.  Time (and this media) does desensitize people.  She walked out totally obsessed as well, and planning her next trip to the theater to watch it again.

This really has nothing to do with the weekend, but I have to say I’m fast becoming obsessed with 300, and King Leonidas in particular.  The thing is, Gerard Butler, who plays Leonidas is not all that and a bag of chips if you see him on a regular day.  There is just *something* about the role of Leonidas, the portrayal, his dialogue, and the way they did him up for the role.  I normally don’t go for beards but he just looked unbelievable.  I love his teeth — he seems to be baring his teeth when he’s fighting and talking to his troops.  And the scottish accent helps a lot…I don’t care that it is incongruent to the story.  😀

But back to the weekend.  Friday morning, we all went to breakfast, and then Hubby took Lola and ran around while Kit and I went shopping.  We went to CVS first so I could get some hair color, and Kit bought a few more skin care items.  Then we went to the new shopping center and walked around.  We didn’t buy much except at Deb, I bought some really cute kimono style tops and an awesome pair of glittery jeans.

Then, we stopped at the nail place and I got acrylic nails put back on.  We had a great time chatting with my nail guy.  Asian, which of course seems to be the phenomenon at the smaller nail salons; he is really into oriental astrology and palm reading.  It was really cool, after we talked with him a bit, without revealing our birth years or anything he knew what our chinese zodiac sign was, and when we confirmed the year of birth, he told us things that were very particular about us. Then he read our palms.  It was kind of uncanny, but of course you have to take those things with a grain of salt.  Have I ever mentioned that I love my nail tech and my nail salon?  Talk about pampering!  And for a great price.

After that, we went home and hung out getting ready for the night out.  I colored my hair, we both fixed ourselves up pretty.  We didn’t dress up that much; Kitty wore a pair of corduroy capris (adorable), and I wore one of my new kimono tops and the glittery jeans.  My hair color looked really nice, but I seemed to put too much anti-frizz product in my hair so it was limp and wet looking even when it was dry.  So I brushed it straight back and wore a hair band, so it looked kind of cool anyway.

We went to Benihana’s for dinner.  Lola was challenging, but not as bad as usual.  She actually ate the onion soup and chicken fried rice with gusto.  Kit and I observed the married couple at the other side of our table arguing.  The man was “all up in her grill”, he seemed really possessive and kind of abusive-creepy vibes rolling off him.  He made her give him her cell phone and he checked all her incoming/outcoming calls.  She told him that he had been staring at the girl next to him since we sat down for dinner…and that girl WAS MY 12 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER!!!  I was horrified.  Princess was very uncomfortable sitting next to them fighting like that.  The woman ended up leaving him!!  He finally figured it out and paid his bill and left.  Crazy, huh?

After dinner, we went and rented a couple of ovies for the girls, and then Hubby, Kit and I went to the local pub for karaoke.  Oh my, can you say INSANITY ON ICE???

The freaks were out in full force!!! 

Highlights:  I’m holding hands with my hubby over the table, he’s rubbing his thumb against my palm.  A big guy with a walrus mustache and no front teeth came over and asked me if my man was a palmist in a kind of condescending way (I have a really hard time with walrus-mustachioed toothless men that are condescending), “Is your man a palmist?”  So I just smiled and said, “No, hon, he’s an eroticist.”

The Raisin, a woman I might have mentioned here before, was there also.  Her desperate behavior was really hard to watch.  She would actually be somewhat attractive if she didn’t apply the makeup with a trowel.  She is very tan, leathery from the tanning booth.  She wears black eyeshadow with gold sparkles overlaid on it, and it goes up to the eyebrows, and sometimes PAST the eyebrows.  Peroxide blonde hair with roots showing.  The first time we saw her she had a really, really short skirt and cowboy boots (this can be cute sometimes, but not that night).  My man was one of the victims of her attentions the first night we saw her, and then last night she decided to lean over between me and Hubby on the table and sing the line of the song that was playing about needing a man.  Hubby looked nauseous which was amusing anyway.  I just looked at her with a face I usually save for the most freakish displays and Kit just shook her head and leaned toward her and went, “You poor thing…bless your heart.”  She got up and danced away.  I counted 6 guys she kissed, some of them had women standing right there with them.

If she had kissed MY man, she would have found herself kissing the floor.

A girl with long red hair and a sleeveless plaid shirt (a la Larry the Cable Guy) decided that she liked me A LOT.  She was out on the dance floor dancing by herself and I made the mistake of making eye contact with her.  She grabbed my hand and pulled me out to dance with her (hand holding dancing!).  I just kind of joked around and said, “This is great!  My hubby NEVER dances with me!” (which is not true but I was just babbling because I couldn’t believe I was dancing with a woman who wanted to wed and bed me).  After the song is over I retreated to my seat.  She bowed to me, kissed my hand, and apparently, while I was making faces at Kit who was laughing at me, she hissed, “Dance with her, motherfucker!” to Hubby!!!!

Hubby was none too pleased.  But I explained it was my fault for telling her he didn’t dance with me. 

Let’s see…what else.  There was this woman who was there, she was not the most svelte person in the bar, but she may well have been the most drunk.  She was wearing a tight pair of sweat pants with a t-shirt tucked in…I can hear the gasps of horror from you all.  She was very drunk and hung out a lot with red-head lesbian.  She eventually pulled the drawstring out of her sweat pants (they wouldn’t have fallen off her ass anyway they were so tight) and tried to tie her hair back with it.  She ended up only getting one side of it tied up and it was pointing askew from the side of her head.  Very amusing.

And really there were many more you would have been amused to hear about, but I am running out of steam to type it all out.

One thing that was very amusing is that Hubby got a bit hammered.  That doesn’t happen very often.  And it was very fun to watch.  Kit and I had a great time, just carrying on like we do and I sang 3 songs.  After we got home and we put Kit to bed in Princess’s room, my drunk husband’s inhibitions being way compromised, I took shameful advantage of him.  Much fun was had by all. 😉

Saturday morning, Kit had to leave.  We were both very sad.  But we’ll see her this next weekend when we stop for the night on the way to TN for spring break.  She may actually drive down to TN with us to stay a night and visit with everyone.  But with her schedule I’ll believe it when it actually happens!!

OK, I have really been going for a while.  I started writing this at 8:40 and now it’s 9:11.  I need to go because I have a ton of things to do today. 

See ya later!


Currently listening :
Ray of Light
By Madonna
Release date: By 03 March, 1998

In more positive news…

I was really upset when I saw on the scale that I had gained all the weight back.  But Hubby pointed out to me that the scale was not calibrated and was off by 5 lbs.  When we recalibrated it, I am still at 180, so I only gained back 2 lbs. 

So, yay.  Still somewhat on track.