
It’s Thursday, already.  It’s 1:31 p.m. already.  I have wasted most of this day reading a romance novel instead of doing the things I need to do around here.  At least it was a happy ending.  Now, I guess I should get going.

I’m still tired from my illness, and probably that’s why I am feeling kind of blah.  That, and the fact that my emotions spin between despair and happiness pretty much every other day.  Because I’m psycho like that.

I really try to control it.  I really do.  I can make myself do stuff (sometimes) and act like everything is fine (sometimes) but a simple self-query tells me that I feel bad. 

I want to go to the movies.  There are 3 movies I want to see — Wild Hogs, 300, and The Pursuit of Happyness (which I am not even sure is in theaters anymore).  I think I would like to see 300 first.  It looks fascinating.  Yes, violent, but I have always liked epic battle stories, i.e., Braveheart, LOTR, and such.  If I could find a sitter for Saturday, I wouldn’t mind going to see 300, and then going right back in and watching Wild Hogs to offset any icky feelings from watching 300.

Oh boy.  My tummy is upset.  Gotta go.